Aim & Scope
Conference Tracks:
1. Methodology of entrepreneurship and small business research
2. Multi- and interdisciplinary entrepreneurship – bricolage of economics and management
3. Internationalised SMEs and International Entrepreneurship
4. Innovative SMEs: Knowledge-based and High-Tech SMEs
5. Hyper-Growth SMEs and High-Growth Entrepreneurship
6. Entrepreneurial Economy: Role of SMEs and Entrepreneurship in the Modern Economy
7. Entrepreneurial Management & Strategic Entrepreneurship
8. Family Entrepreneurship in the Modern Economies of the Globalised World
9. SMEs and Social Entrepreneurship in the Globalised World
10. Financing Entrepreneurship: Venture Capital, Corporate Venturing
11. Entrepreneurship Ecosystem – Innovative and Entrepreneurial Environment
12. SME/Entrepreneurship Education and Public Policy
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- Zjazd Katedr 2016
- Conference EDP 2016