Call for Papers
Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome, which meet scientific standard for presentation and publication. The topics of potential papers are discussed in our Call for Papers.
Please send the (1) registration form and (2) the abstract of your paper of up to 4000 signs via e-mail:
early registration: by December 1, 2013.
late registration: by January 6, 2014.
Conference calendar
December 1, 2013 Deadline for Submissions and Abstracts
December 21, 2013 Acceptance Notification
January 6, 2014 Deadline for Late Submissions and Abstracts
February 15, 2014 Deadline for Full Papers
February 21, 2014 Fee Transfer
April 3, 2014 (Thursday) Visegrad Conference
April – June 2014 Reviewing, Editing and Correcting Processes
July – September 2014 Book Publishing
Conference Fee
450 PLN ( or 120 EUR) paid in advance to the university bank account (which will be provided at the website later on).
For PhD students (scan of the confirmation document is needed) the fee is reduced to 400 PLN (or 100 EUR).
The fee must be paid for all conference participants if the paper is coauthored. We kindly aks to submit papers of 3 coauthors as the maximum.
The participants are to cover accommodation and travel expenses on their own.
The fee for conference participants without a paper is reduced to 400 PLN (or 100 EUR) as for PhD students.
The fee includes the participation in the conference, conference package, lunch, dinner, deytime catering - tea/coffee breaks, publication (for accepted papers with positive reviews).
The fee payment should be done to:
Name of the Recipient:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie /Cracow University of Economics/
Address of the Recipient:
ul. Rakowicka 27
31-510 Kraków
Bank account number:
Bank BPH S.A. o/Krakow
Payments in PLN (450 PLN or 400 PLN for confirmed PhD students):
28 10600076 0000 3310 0016 1623
z dopiskiem: V4 Conference + imię i nazwisko uczestnika
Payments in EUR (120 EUR or 100 EUR for confirmed PhD students):
35 10600076 0000 3210 0015 2428
with the annotation: V4 Conference + Your Full Name
Please send us the scanned confirmation of payment via e-mail or fax.
If you apply for a reduced fee, please send us the scanned document confirming your PhD student status.